Event 2:
Th, 14. January 2021, 20h (CET)

Guest curators: Plastiq (DE) - Luka Lenzin, Raphaela Andrade, Lena Geue: "Interstation" collective music making and storytelling &
Anina Hug (CH): DIY Electronic Instrument Workshop mit Labor Luzern 


plastiq live-stream concert from the evening of the 14th January:

Workshop with Anina Hug recorded a week after the event to finish the instruments:

plastiq (DE) plastiq have been a trio since 2016. Improvising with voice, synthesizer, beats and acoustic instruments like the mbira or violin, the band explores the interface between acoustic and synthetic tones. A plastiq live happening originates music profoundly shaped by the character of the room and by the listener’s attitude. The trio often collaborates with other art genres. Video, installation, performance and theatre are part of the platform on which plastiq’s members develop and articulate their different interests and ideas. The group has released three records so far, all collages of recorded live sessions.


ABOUT INTERSTATION:In late 2019 plastiq has hosted the project ‚Interstation‘ at Fleetstreet Theater Hamburg. Eight artists from different countries and disciplines were invited to collectively develop the tale ‚Interstation‘ over a span of two months. It is a tale about aboriginal Martians, the Critter, human Emigrés and earthling humans. ‚Interstation‘ is music arranged for space and it is collective artistic practise. For 'The Red Planet' they got together with the band LXMP to improvise and write music. The live setlist became a ride through mental motifs of locations, happenings and beings from the tale. Chapter No.2—'Perchlorate Rain'—was never written down but established on mutual exchange with video/light artist Bianca Peruzzi and director/actor Dor Aloni while sculpturing the room and working on the dramaturgy. Finally they consistently showed only video intermediaries of their live performance. As a contrast 'Der Atemapparatus' included the audience. With their third guest Tian Rotteveel, plastiq worked with their bodies in the room and the room's acoustics. Sleep masks allowed the audience to concentrate on synthesized and acoustic sound in and outside the now bowl-shaped room. Chapter No.4—'Escape from Mars'—became a celebration of collective music making and storytelling with the band 13 Year Cicada and even Bianca back on board. Lots of extra chapters and songs flashed up and would obliviously fade into time and space. The album ‚Interstation’ juxtaposes and unites in situ recordings from all collaborationists outwitting time and physics. The project still evolves.

ANINA HUG (CH) born 1983, Steinhausen Switzerland Lives and works in Luzern with ongoing collaborations in London In her work she takes old-school gadgetry and expands it into interactive technology creating new sound objects and electronic instruments. Since 2006 she has been making experimental music with self-made and hacked instruments and has been involved in a number of exciting music projects as well as her own performances. Her current project “Oza” is an electronic Kit to solder at home. Having taken part in numerous music festivals in London and beyond she has a diverse group of collaborators.


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